Monday, August 23, 2010

Pizza Restaurant Marketing - Free Pizza Postcard Templates That Increase Sales!

Many pizza restaurant owners recognize the need for direct mail advertising because it is the most effective method of reaching a targeted market area. That being said, they don't take advantage of it because they feel that it will be cost prohibitive. Actually, by utilizing free pizza postcard templates online, total direct mail costs can be kept to a bare minimum while delivering the maximum impact.

The process is fast and easy, and with just the first mailing you will notice considerably increased sales. This is because 98% of all consumers pick up their mail daily, look it over and keep what is interesting (according to the USPS website).

With professionally designed pizza postcard templates, your advertising will be among the first to be tacked up for future reference. At a popular printing website that ranks high on Google for "pizza menu printing", one customer wrote in, "My pizza restaurant's sales are up 90% this week from one mailing..." This type of success starts with good food, great service, and excellent marketing. Customizable pizza postcard templates are perfect for both beginners and marketing pros.

Customizing A Pizza Postcard Templates and Selecting Print Options

The templates provided on print websites are easy to customize and it is only a matter of entering your business' information, uploading a photo if needed, and choosing color and paper stock options. Some options are dependent upon quantities as you may qualify for certain bonuses or price breaks at larger volumes. Postcards can typically be ordered in quantities of:


  • 250

  • 500

  • 1000

  • 2500

  • 5000

  • 10,000

  • 15,000

  • 20,000

  • 25,000


The point is, you have flexible options available so that you can literally flood your market with ongoing direct mailings to increase sales beyond your wildest dreams.

Customized Pizza Postcard Templates - Direct Mailing Options

Once your postcards have been customized and printed, you printer can help you with direct mail to target your local area and increase your sales immediately. You are provided with a map of your specific market area, either by a radius of your store or by zip codes. Then, each map is further broken down into smaller sections such as neighborhoods and streets which are all numbered. The only thing left to do is hand-pick the specific areas you wish to target and your printer can take care of the rest.

Free pizza postcard templates are not only easy to customize, but they are designed to increase sales with the very first distribution. Although you can save money by customizing a pre-designed template online, you can also take advantage of marketing and printing expertise that was put into the postcard. It all goes back to using graphics that are designed to increase sales. Design is the name of the game, and you should take that very seriously. Find the right template, customize it, and get help with distribution while you sit back and reap the benefits of increased sales.

Chris Barr is a marketing professional and graduate of Christopher Newport University. His areas of expertise include direct mail, internet marketing, copy writing, SEO, and new business development. Chris currently serves as Marketing Director for Taradel LLC in Richmond, VA.

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